Tuesday 16 August 2011

The h-o-t-e-s-t collection of bangladeshi and Asian Girls

Are you ready to get green? Well, let's get going. Just replace a few of your traditional beauty products with these natural, at-home beauty solutions. We do the research and give you the results. This is Beauty Lab. Here are your top eco-friendly beauty must-haves, Jojoba oil, it's a magical beauty miracle. It's been used for centuries by so many people on the planet. Why? It's a colorless, odorless oil that's free of fragrance and preservatives, and it's so similar to your body's own natural oils that virtually every skin type can use it. Number one, it's a great hair conditioner and defrizzer; just pump a couple drops in the palm of your hand and massage into your hair, and it will leave your hair silky and shiny. Number two, eye makeup remover. Just apply a little to a cotton ball or cotton pad and wipe away, and it will take off all of your mascara. Number three, it's also a great daily moisturizer. Just massage a little bit into your skin after a shower, and it will leave your skin moisturized and healthy, and not greasy, but glowing. Organic whole milk, milk has a plethora of beauty uses. Cleopatra herself used goat's milk in a variety of her beauty potions. Here's how you can primp like an Egyptian. Cleansing cream, milk has lactose, a naturally-occurring enzyme which helps to dissolve dirt, debris and dead skin cells and sweep them off the surface of your skin. It also has naturally-occurring proteins which nourish and condition. Bathe like a queen, how? Pour three to four cups of goat milk into a warm bath, sit in the bath for 20 minutes, use a loofah and immediately apply your Jojoba oil afterwards, and your skin will be soft and smooth. Epsom salts, what are they? They're a chemical compound made of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen, and they make for an amazing detox bath. Even more, the sulfur compounds are incredible for reducing body breakouts, inflammation and softening the skin. Tea tree oil, tea tree oil is my absolute favorite eco beauty must-have. It has so many uses. You can use it as a pimple potion, as a quickie mouthwash, and you can even use it as an on-the-go deodorant. All you have to do is just add eight to 10 drops to a bottle of witch hazel and spritz. Green tea bags, who doesn't have these in their kitchen cabinet? All you have to do is steep a couple of bags into warm water and then rest on your eyes. The naturally-occurring caffeine will help to constrict the capillaries, which will make your eyes nice and bright. Honey, honey is amazing for your skin. It's a great source of antioxidants, it's antimicrobial and it's hygroscopic, which means it attracts moisture out of the air and into your skin. It also makes for a great lip balm when applied at night, and if you have a smooch, it will taste sweet. Eggs, eggs are a great beauty staple. The egg yolk is a great hair conditioner, and the egg white is an amazing pore refiner. Now for the conditioner, take the egg yolk, massage into your hair while you're in the shower, let sit for about 10 minutes, and then rinse off and your hair will be so silky and shiny. The pore refiner, just apply a little bit of the egg white to your skin, let sit for five minutes, and it will tighten the pores and have an anti-aging effect. Lemon juice, hey it's okay to steal your neighbor's lemons. Why? One, it's a great freckle fighter and number two, it helps to get rid of yucky discolored nails, like your Aunt Kathy. As a freckle fighter, here's what you do, just soak a cotton ball in a little bit of lemon juice, swipe across your skin and leave on for about ten seconds. The naturally occurring acids and the Vitamin C will help to brighten and lighten pigmentation and for your nails, just soak your fingers or your toes in a little bit of lemon juice for about five minutes, let's say one to two times a week. This will help to kill infection and brighten that nasty discoloration. Apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar is great for your hair. It's almost like an astringent or a toner for your hair. What it does is it helps to remove buildup from products like hairspray or waxes and after just one use, your hair will look gorgeous and glossy. And finally, Vitamin E capsules. Believe it or not, Vitamin E capsules make for the perfect eye serum and they're so affordable. All you do is take one capsule and apply a little bit beneath each eye before you go to bed and you'll wake up in the morning with perky peepers. Ladies, if you stock your cabinet with these, you will truly be an ego angel. For the Beauty Lab, I'm Tracy O'Connor. Stay green

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