Thursday 22 September 2011

Amber Tamblyn so h-o-tt-est picture

How to Attract a Woman - Is Positive Thinking Enough?

Any time that you really want to get a good result in life, you have to be able to think positively about the outcome. You don't want to be the guy who sees a woman who he is attracted to and immediately think that you have no chance at all with her. Guys who do well with women just do not think that way. So, it gets said that you need to be able to think positive about attracting women, and that is all well and good. The thing is, is it enough to just think positive about your chances with women or do you need something more?

I guess there are some situations where positive thinking is more than enough. I mean, if thinking that way gets you to approach a woman and she already finds you appealing, then that may really be the "secret" ingredient that you have been missing. On the other hand, if you are making a cold approach and she is not yet feeling anything towards you... then positive thinking by itself is not going to be enough. You are going to need something more to help you out.

You have to learn how women think about being approached by guys...

Most guys think they know exactly what a woman is thinking when they get approached by guys, but in my experience, most men are pretty far off. The way that your average guy makes the approach when he sees a woman he likes is not really all that impressive in her eyes. That may sound kind of cold, but more often than not... it is the truth.

This is why it is so important to go beyond just thinking positively and really learn how to make a good approach and to have some insight into what it is that she is thinking when you do approach her. Getting inside of her head is a good way to make sure that when you do get the nerve to make the approach, you will get more than just a cold shoulder.

You also have to realize that action is king when it comes to getting results...

There are plenty of dateless guys who can imagine themselves doing everything right to end up with the girl, but all of that thinking with no action bears no fruit at all. If you want to make sure that you do not end up like one of those guys... then you need to take action and learn from those actions till you get things right. That is why positive thinking helps, but it is not always enough if you want to know how to attract a woman.

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